Lisa Brandsen
Hi what does the back of your Blu Ray DVDs look like?(2017-09-22)
Re:Blu-rays disk back: Dark blue,
DVDs disk back: Golden,
TV series disc back: Silver,Thanks!
Danny Wilkes
I must declare that extremely appreciate the quality of your DVDs, all very good,will continue to order.(2017-09-12)
Re:Thank you for your praise! We are still as good as the best service for everyone.
about 10 of the movies I ordered are protected by cinevia.\\
how do i play these(2017-08-27)
Re:1,We add another safe English audio track in the movie, play choose it can be avoided "cinevia". 2,About the payment model. when you submit an order, please contact us: aoerway@aol.com
I cannot send any emails to you (Tim) is there a problem with your email server?
Re:Hi Mark
Our email address: aoerway@aol.com,sale@aoerway.com and service@aoerway.com.
These mailbox is normal working condition.
Joanna Osborn
I am satisfied with the sample order, how to do a sales agent?(2016-12-23)
Re:Very glad to get your feedback.
About sales agent, please check your E-mail, can let you know more details.
do you ship to Austarila(2016-09-23)
Re:Yes. We can shipping to most countries around the world. Ship via China EMS or DHL-HK.
Thank you for your message.
I received the package today, very satisfied with the quality of that DVD. I intend to place more orders, want to know can pay with PayPal?(2016-04-13)
Re:We can accept PayPal.
When you submit an order, please contact us: aoerway@aol.com
Can I mix and match movies for my orders if they total 20(2014-12-26)
Re:Yes, you can do order mix.
Any need help, please contact us: aoerway@aol.com
I have been buying and reselling movies on e bay mostly Disney some new release you were recommended to me my questions are what is a minimum order and can I mix and match movies and do you take paypal can you give me a list of Disney with a price break
Thank you look forward to doing business with you sold about 8000 movies last year to give you an idea of my volume thank you(2014-12-24)
Re:We send that DVD lsit to your mailbox, please note that check.
Any need help, please contact us: aoerway@aol.com
I made an order, how do I pay? how to choose the color in order?(2014-07-10)
Re:Hi, 1. We accept paypal payment,please contact us: aoerway@aol.com 2.In the product page, have color choose labels, please watch carefully. Thanks!
Hi Do You Have Picture of Gravity Bluray?(2014-02-27)
Re:We send that picture to your mailbox, please note that check.